Stuck in a Rut? Customize A New Life For You


Are you living the life you love, or are you stuck in a rut? It’s never a fun place to be, but it happens to many of us.  Sometimes we feel like we’re spinning our wheels and not getting anywhere, or we go through the day on autopilot.

Suddenly, we wake up, and we’ve become a slave to the unintended circumstances in our life without a plan to move towards change. 

Mid-life, or any time of adult life, can be an excellent time for a person to take stock in themselves to become more aware of their life passing by.

It can be a time to reflect on life choices, unmet goals, and a look ahead to wonder what’s next? Whether you’re in a rut or not, a slight pivot to evaluate and try something new can be transforming.

Starting a new morning routine can be your call to action to live more and worry less.

Setting up time for yourself in the morning allows you to be proactive rather than reactive in your daily life. It’s a great way to give yourself some personal freedom to achieve something special for you.

Need help designing a morning routine?

I have just the book for you!

I’m a huge fan of Good Morning, Good Life by Amy Landino, host of AmyTV.   

A must-read for anyone that needs the inspiration to get started with a new morning routine for a life transformation. Amy serves up the tools to upgrade your life with a side of humor and no judgment.

No perfection needed, just practical advice to live the life you want and love.

To customize your day, the way you want it, Amy outlines five essential habits.

Habit 1 - Decide

Be the leader of your life. There’s so many possibilities, so don’t put your story in someone else’s hands. Decide “your why” that will make you want to jump out of bed to start your day.

Habit 2 - Defy

Define your obstacles. Prepare to conquer your day and defy any morning mishaps that may keep you from having a successful day. 

Habit 3 - Rise

Improve your circumstances by making things easier on yourself. Start well-rested and make your bed first thing. 

Habit 4 - Shine

Design your morning on your terms. We’re all human and different. How can you be the best version of YOU?

Habit 5 - Thrive

Set yourself up for success and make that snooze button an option no more! Having a morning routine is something you can count on, no matter what life throws your way. It’s how Amy avoided depression when she lost her brother and managed to impact the world with her books, podcast, and tv series. 

Sometimes circumstances change our life, we get stuck, and need a reset.  Pivoting from the struggle by learning something new can be transforming.  It can be a breath of fresh air and bring new excitement to your life.