Daily Rituals – The Answer to a Peaceful Day?


Closeup of gratitude journal on white table with peonies, cup of tea and teapot (selective focus)

The Benefits of Daily Rituals and Why They Work

The word ritual used here is a series of actions to bring harmony to your life.  Day and Night.  Daily actions (habits) that become so routine that the mind and body become at ease from repetition and predictability.  Because life is so unpredictable, rituals free the mind to give us a sense of preparedness for whatever comes our way.

When researching healthy rituals, I found that most advice given was for daily habits, the top 5 or 10 best for success.  A habit being one task that is done repeatedly without much conscious thought; a ritual being a set of habits. 

I love the idea of a morning and evening ritual, book-ending the day for peace.  A set of habits that we practice for our highest good that become so routine that we set ourselves up for a peaceful life

The Science of Habit

As explained in the Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg, the habit is a 3-part process (Habit Loop) that is stored in the brain for efficiency.  The three parts consisting of a cue that triggers the loop, a routine (behavior), and a reward or feedback that tells the brain to remember.  Understanding the process of this habit loop seems important if you’re seeking change and starting a new habit.  What will be the cue to trigger a person to take action and what will be the reward received after the action is taken. 

Visualizing what we want our brain to remember seems like a helpful way to act.   If I want to start getting up an hour earlier each morning, my cue to trigger will probably be placing my alarm clock on the other side of the room to force myself out of bed.  My reward will be the feeling of accomplishment for getting more done in the morning.   If the new habit is a difficult one, you might have to be more specific with your self-talk and give yourself a reward.  What gets us motivated to make lasting change is different for everyone.  

Benefits of Habit

It seems that most successful people, meaning people living a happy and meaningful life with work, family and friends, are disciplined and stick to their daily habits consistently.  The small actions taken each day can add up to an amazing quality of life.  It can allow for more time and flexibility to help  maintain a stress-free lifestyle that’s sustainable for the long run. 

Beginning a Ritual

I started my rituals last October after reading Rachael Hollis’s Girl Wash Your Face. Rachael, with her large Instagram following, started the movement “The Last 90 Days”.  Her pitch, “21 days to create a habit, 90 days to change your life.  What if you committed to living your last 90 days of the year as hard as you are committing to living the first 30 days of the new year? What if instead of a downhill slide into 2019, you are ramping up!”

Like me, many fans signed up. I love a challenge; Rachel’s 5 to Thrive.  5 consistent habits starting October 1st, the last 90 days of the year.   I did it and it was amazing. 4 out of the 5 were easy for me, I had already been doing them consistently but #5, was a game changer.  I had no idea the effect it would have, waking up an hour earlier than anyone else to focus solely on myself and my goals.   I loved it.  I started journaling, meditating, giving myself the time I needed before I needed to get on with my day.  There was less rushing.  I felt centered and grounded and the feeling stayed all day.  

What Habits are right for you?

Do you want to start a new habit or maybe break an old one?  It’s a personal decision what we want to keep or let go.  Consistent actions we take for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health shape our life.  What motivates change is different for each of us.  Often we don’t know what we want for ourselves until we see the light in someone else.  Check out the videos below for ideas.  I found their advice inspiring.  

Aileen of Lavendaire shares her life changing habits in this fun video.  She’s amazing; love her energy.  I’ve learned so much from this amazing young entrepreneur.  Sharing her wisdom on how to live your dream life.  Have a listen, 10 min.

Aileen’s 5 Life Changing Habits:

  1. Stop playing the victim. Stop complaining. Stop blaming.
  2. Read inspiring books.
  3. Cultivate more gratitude.
  4. Meditation
  5. Stop taking yourself so seriously.

Jon and Missy Butcher share their 9 habits to having an extraordinary life.  I discovered their video from Mind Valley University, a favorite website for learning.  In this excerpt, they share tips from their masterclass, “it’s not about the big choices that you make in life but the small actions you take daily”. Simple daily habits that add up over time.  I shared a few below.  Have a listen, 10 min.

Jon and Missy’s Life Changing Habits:

  • Exercise or move your body everyday.
  • Green smoothies twice a day.  It’s like a liquid salad, all the nutrition needed for the day.
  • Love habits; keep your connections alive.
  • Gratitude practice
  • Rest during the day
  • Meditation
  • Journaling

Living life with healthy rituals/habits makes it easier to maintain harmony and live our best life.  Exercise, healthy eating, meditation, and a daily practice of gratitude has become a necessity to maintain my emotional well being.  Experiencing peace throughout the day; wouldn’t want to feel any other way.  

I hope you found this helpful.  I’d love to hear your thoughts!  

Please leave me a comment below about anything you’d like to share. 


love & good vibes 💫


6 Responses

  1. So glad to read your Blog again Lynn….. Always good to refresh these great ideas….Did some tapping also and am more relaxed at the moment…Lv. BB

  2. Yes! I love this post! Hurray!

    What’s tricky for me, when introducing a healthy habit, is believing wholeheartedly that I am worth it. That I’m worth the extra time that it takes, even to BREATHE! There’s always the committee of voices in my head yelling”oh geez, you’re never going to achieve that, you’re a loser…” that kind of thing. I grew up with lots of criticism, condescension, and sarcasm, so it’s no wonder the committee is loud…As I’ve grown older I’ve been able to “hush them up” some, and have found practices that help me cherish my healthy habits. Rather than “I should,” it’s “I can!” Thank you Lynn! I’ve added “My Rising Vibe” to my list of supporters!

    1. Hi Katie, Thank you for your sharing so honestly. Great insight. You touched on an important reason why so many of us don’t give ourselves the proper self care. The feeling of I’m not good enough. It can be a subtle feeling that shows up in many different ways. It’s taken me a long time to understand the feeling and let it go. I like your practice telling yourself “I can” instead of “I should”; a positive affirmation. ????????❤️

  3. Great concept Lynn!! Kind of like “doing the next thing best”. Happiness is hard to find when you are always looking for it. You have to try to create it and these habits should really help! Thanks ! BB

    1. Bob, thank you for sharing. I love how you viewed this post. Creating healthy habits to create happiness. Brilliant. ????????❤️

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