Can Energy Healing Cure Anxiety?


Are you someone who struggles with anxiety?  Maybe someone you love does and it affects you too.  Anxiety has become a modern day epidemic.  The catch-all word to describe the daily discomfort many feel in their daily lives. 

AnxietyAn emotion characterized by an unpleasant state of inner turmoil, often accompanied by nervous  behavior; living with unpleasant feelings of future events.  

“If you are depressed you are living in the past. 
If you are anxious you are living in the future. 
If you are at peace you are living in the present.” ― Lao Tzu

Everyone feels anxious in their lives; taking a test, starting a new job, trying to make a good first impression, a deadline at work.  We expect to feel the butterflies, nervousness in our gut.  But for some it has become a chronic way of life.  A constant habit of nervousness with long lasting and problematic affects that can sometimes lead to panic attacks.  A fear of danger or threat that cannot be coped with.  

It’s a complex issue understanding why someone continues to feel this way.  There are many factors to consider.  Everyone has a different life experience and personality that influences the way they view their circumstances and how they react.  A  healthy diet and exercise may not even be enough to alleviate someone’s anxiousness.  

Most often the suffering continues or relief is found in an unhealthy form or reliance on medication.  What starts as a short-term fix until things calm down, can become a long term aid with disruptive side effects. 

There’s an alternative option that’s easier on the body, but it does require giving our self the proper TLC to heal.  It also requires that we stop looking outside of ourselves to feel better and instead look within to find lasting peace. 

We must have understanding and compassion for ourselves or those suffering.  We’re each on our own life path; the timing and appearance of the journey looks different for each of us. 

Energy modalities like Acupuncture, EFT, Reiki, Quantum Touch therapy can bring gentle healing relief

“Powerful energy techniques apply the principals of the body’s electromagnetic signaling system.  It produces healing of the emotions and cells directly and quickly, often times without needing to identify the trauma or underlying issue that caused the disturbance in the first place, ” Dawson Church, Genie in your Genes

A person doesn’t have to take a deep dive into the who, what, where, when or why we’re anxious but use the techniques with the intention to allow the mind and body to release negative thinking patterns.  

Many methods can be self-taught and have been around for centuries.  In the initial stages of healing, it may be best to work with a skilled practitioner to learn the proper technique.  My preference is Reiki and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping.

Reiki is a natural Japanese technique; “Rei” meaning Universal Power and “Ki” meaning Life Force Energy, the same word as Chi for Chinese and Prana for the Hindu.  A calming experience that moves stagnant energy within the body while simultaneously opening the Chakras, which allow true healing of the mind, body and spirit.

We often store negative energy and emotions in certain areas of our body and the energy flow of Reiki helps to release it.

A Chakra is a center of energy that refers to wheels of energy throughout the body.  There are seven main Chakras, which align the spine, starting from the base of the spine through to the crown of the head. When a Chakra is out of balance, the body can be drained of energy.  It’s similar to having a leak in your home’s plumbing system that reduces the water pressure in the rest of the house.  (Reiki Level 1 Manual)

The imbalances in our body are caused by how we deal with stress, trauma or negative experiences in our life and can lead to emotional difficulties and health problems.

I’ve found that most clients that come in for Reiki are looking for a way to feel less stressed out.  Looking for deep relaxation.  Each client’s experience is unique.  There’s always a calming feeling achieved but for some there may be profound emotional release.  Energy that’s been blocked, somehow finds its way to the surface; it’s a subtle knowing that comes.  Improved awareness, acceptance, and clarity.

During times of struggle, when we can’t see the forest for the trees, we need clarity.  We become so involved in the fine details of a problem, we lose sight of the big picture. 

Energy balancing can bring us back to ourselves; give us a new perspective.  Open up to see things in a different light; often a more loving light.  Bringing our emotional and spiritual body into proper alignment with our true selves; releasing and re-balancing our under the surface emotions that need letting go.  It gets our attention flowing in the right direction and where our attention goes energy flows. 

Was this post helpful?  I’d love to hear your feedback in the comments below.

How Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) aka Tapping works, even for the most complex cases of post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Easy 5 Minute Energy Exercise

Sit or lie down to allow yourself to be comfortable.

Place your hands over your heart and close your eyes. 

Allow yourself to breathe deeply several minutes. 

Feel your heart beating. 

Image breathing in life force energy and exhaling out any negative thoughts.  Breathing in love and light; exhaling out any dense, stagnant energy.  Releasing all from your body. 

Imagine your heart expanding larger and larger until your entire body is full of love and light.  Stay with this meditation for 5 minutes to feel calm and less anxious.

10 Responses

  1. This is a precise, clear, comprehensive description of how energy healing can help those of us who go suffer from anxiety. I’ve had anxiety since I was a little girl… my brain is hard wired to default to negative thought patterns…I love to learn about healing modalities. Thank you!!

    1. Katie thank you for your comment and you made such a good point about how your brain is hard wired. It’s our fight or flight response that kicks in to protect us when we think we may be in danger. Our bodies are amazing, we just have to retrain our brain’s signaling system. I wrote another post about the stress response, “Someone Pushing Your Buttons? Let ‘Em!” ❤️

  2. This part really hits home for me.

    During times of struggle; when we can’t see the forest for the trees, we need clarity. We become so involved in the fine details of a problem, we lose sight of the big picture.

    We have to let go of the past, so easy to say and so hard to do. Thanks for this info!

    1. Thanks for sharing Sally! It’s hard to let go but if you can catch yourself when you start feeling negative emotion and do your best to shift to a positive memory or anything that makes you feel happy before the negativity gains momentum it helps a lot. Setting up a folder on your phone with your favorite song, video, picture that you can click on in an instant to shift before your body has time to react is a great tool. ❤️

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