Ready for a mini-retreat? Our inner world is a beautiful place to explore


Ready for a mini-retreat?

This is an unprecedented time in history, and in challenging times like this, it brings out the best and the worst in humans. There has never been a better time to take a mini-retreat from the messy outside social world to explore our beautiful inside world.

Our inner space can be a solitary haven of peace when times get tough. It’s our own personal power grid that grounds us when we’re faced with life’s challenges. This is a great time to quiet our mind to connect with our inner guidance system; our internal GPS; our intuition.

Our Intuition, known as our sixth sense, extends beyond our five physical senses, and when we silent our mind, we increase our awareness to strengthen ​what could be our primary sense. It’s our heart-centered 💕subtle internal guidance system, our divine nature that guides us.

God, spirit, or universal life force energy, whatever one’s belief, is trying to make life easier for us if we allow ourselves to notice the subtle signs, synchronicities, and blessings. 🙏⠀

When we pay attention to our intuition, we turn our discomfort with the outside world into our personal power to positively influence our physical and mental health, others, and the world. Power is an inside job and the path to peace starts with knowing and changing ourselves.

When times are tough, it can be a beautiful world, inside and out, if we silence the outside noise and trust our inside voice.

But here is the thing, it can be a difficult path to go inward if we’ve relied on the outer world for our guidance and validation. Many look outward for love, confidence, validation, and approval without notice. A lack of awareness happens when we ignore our divine voice because it feels more comfortable and safer to live this way. This was my truth until I learned mindfulness techniques to reset my life. I often ignored my introverted voice to harmonize with others, which compromised my mental and physical wellness. My inner work revealed many old beliefs about myself that needed reframing.  My fears ran deep.   I was living life on autopilot, deciding, and behaving in ways that kept me small. My chronic people-pleasing and needing to “fix” things had developed into a phobia for disappointing others. These behaviors were my way of coping with an underlying fear of disapproval and rejection by the people I care about. An unconscious way of living that seemed normal but at midlife was counterintuitive to living in a soul-centered way.

“No person, place or thing has any power over us. Each one of us creates our own experiences by our thoughts and our feelings. We create the situations and then we give our power away by blaming the other person for our frustrations. We are the thinkers in our mind. When we create peace and balance in our minds, we will find it in our lives.”

Inner divine guidance is a beautiful gift and the signs and synchronicities are unique to each of us. As an energy practitioner, I’ve learned when the outside world causes us discomfort, it shows up in different ways; sometimes subtle or not so subtle; anxiety, depression, irritability, frustration, lack of motivation, or most often pain in the body. But, when we quiet our mind, listen to our divine voice, and act, the voice and the soul become stronger.   

When difficulties show up, I now say “Thank you, 🙏 I’m listening.  I got this!”