Embracing the Mystical Side of Life


Lynn here with an encouraging energy reminder for your week ahead!  
If you’ve been following me, you know I’m all about the “mystical” way of living – trusting my vibes, staying open and intuitive. It feels natural, creative, and fun! While it takes practice, embracing this lifestyle can infuse your days with a sense of magic and wonder.
The beautiful thing is, once you start embodying this mindset yourself, you’ll likely notice kindred spirits all around you. These are the people who light up a room with their authenticity, spontaneity and joy for life. They listen to their hearts, speak their truth, and courageously follow their instincts. 
More than anything, their vibrant presence reminds and inspires you to do the same.
Because really, once you get a taste of operating from an expanded vibration, you won’t want to live any other way.
That said, we all know fear and heaviness can so easily creep into our lives. As Frank Herbert wisely stated, “Fear is the mind-killer.” When anxiety, doubt or dread set in, it’s perfectly normal to feel weighed down or emotionally triggered. Change, challenges and curveballs are inevitable parts of being human.
The key is recognizing that you get to choose how you want to walk through those difficult moments. Do you stay stuck in fear and negativity? Or do you lift your vibe back up towards more empowering mindsets and actions?
Our closest relationships can be profound teachers in this regard. 
Yes, conflicts or tensions may arise that cause discomfort. However, those prickly situations are actually opportunities for self-discovery rather than judgment. When someone’s behavior rubs you the wrong way, get curious about what it’s revealing within you. 
What part of you is getting activated and why? 
Rather than blame, see if there are unresolved fears, insecurities or stuck energies within yourself that need tending.
This week, I encourage you to make a conscious effort to focus on the bright side.
Appreciate the light, warmth and positive qualities in those around you. When you make that energetic shift, it becomes infinitely easier to lift your own vibration as well.  
Life is too precious to stay bogged down in dramas, fears or negativity. Choose to let go of what’s weighing you down, and redirect your energy toward the joyful, meaningful experiences that await.
 You’ve got this!

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