Don’t Fall Into This Trap, Like I Did


Welcome to Taurus season, where determination meets a love for comfort, and the only bull you’ll find is in the zodiac!

Today we’re a few days into this Earthly astrological season and I’m celebrating my son Sam’s birthday.  From the moment he arrived, Sam embodied the Taurus energy, always doing things his own way and in his own time.  After keeping us waiting, he finally made his grand appearance, weighing in at a hefty 10 lbs. 1 oz. As a baby, his energetic nature became obvious, always insisting on taking on challenges solo and swatting my hand away whenever I tried to help him at the playground.  

These energetic patterns within us are like our personal coding, much like a computer’s programming. Sam’s “code” was written in the language of Taurus from day one.

Taurus season, running from April 19 to May 20th, is a time when the grass is getting green again, the flowers are blooming, and it’s time to dig deep and plant roots.

According to astrologist Clare Comstock at the Cut’s Your Guide to Taurus Season, “This month we’re less likely to get carried away with impulsiveness and falling for every passing trend. Instead, the Taurus energy presents us with the gift of loyalty and staying committed to plans, ideals, and relationships for the long haul.

It’s a good time to build habits, refine routines, and stay true to your values, even when life gets tough. Turn any dreams you have into reality with a steady and consistent effort.”

A recent article I read seems applicable as it relates to this Taurus energy and building our dreams. The author suggested that most of us don’t pursue our dreams or reach our goals because we have an accountability gap.

We often procrastinate by choosing the easy tasks instead of focusing on the ones that will help us reach our goals. The truth is, we know what we need to do, but there’s a gap.  It’s important that we take an honest look at ourselves in the mirror.

Personally, I tend to seek comfort in books and videos instead of taking steps towards my goals.  I convince myself that I need to learn more, but this only keeps me stuck in the same place. Consuming other people’s content and calling it “learning” is merely a form of procrastination. I don’t have a knowledge gap keeping me from writing; I have an accountability gap.

So, I believe that embracing the determination of the Taurus energy will give me the boost I need to make accountability a habit.  I’ve been working on a book that excites me, but it’s moving at a snail’s pace. However, I know I can do this because when I started blogging, I faced the same accountability challenges while writing this weekly newsletter, and now this is issue #57.

The advice I want to share is this:

Start doing the small things to plug the gap.

Things are easy to say, they are hard to do. So instead of doing them, we tend to get in the habit of talking about it and not taking enough action.

Don’t fall into this trap, like I have been doing. Start with the little, tiny steps:

Write for 20 minutes.

Go for that walk.

Meditate for 5 minutes.

Embrace the Taurus energy this season and build habits, refine routines, and stay true to your values, even when life gets tough. Make your dreams a reality, one small step at a time.

Happy Birthday Sammy.

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