
The Intuitive Mind Is a Sacred Gift and the Rational Mind Is a Faithful Servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.

During uncertain times, there’s a tendency for people to lean more into their conscious, rational, thinking mind rather than their gifted intuitive mind. The logical mind wants to analyze every decision you make. It’s the faithful servant that needs to assess, analyze, and judge; often to a point that causes unnecessary fear.  It can be a clear disconnect from the heart.

But then there’s our intuitive mind with the gentle, subtle, and soothing voice that is connected to our hearts. It’s the language of our soul that softly whispers divine messages in ways that are unique to each of us. Thoughts, feelings, signs, metaphors, and imagination are a few ways our spirit speaks.

In difficult times, what voice do you listen to most? Can you discern the difference between the two? It can be confusing but learning to trust your inner wisdom will strengthen your confidence and your heart-centered guidance system.

There are many ways to connect; mindfulness training being the most common.

Try this the next time you feel anxious or disconnected:  

Close your eyes, hand over your heart, deep breath, ask a simple question,

“How does my body feel about this situation? Do you feel any discomfort?  In your gut, your head, anxious or peaceful? 

How does my heart feel about this situation?”

Take a moment. Listen to your heart. Sit with your answer. How do you feel about your answer? Peace, certainty, love? OR nervousness, frustration, or fear?

If you feel at peace, trust your answer.

If you feel fear, ask yourself “What is my fear trying to tell me?” Be silent and still. Be open to what comes up. Lean into the feelings, thoughts, or words you hear.

Follow what feels good.  Love over Fear.

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