My Mid-Life Reset


Hay House Radio, Radio for The Soul.  It changed my life. I can’t recall what led me to start listening but in April 2017, it was just what I needed.  The Hay House World Summit.  25 lessons from favorite authors on healing, forgiveness, learning to love yourself, and healthy habits.  The subject matter was right up my alley.  Being a big reader of holistic health, I probably got an email invite from a health blog.  I had no idea the impact it would have on my life.

Happily married, mom of 3, empty nester.  Busy with work, family and friends.  Life was good but there was an underlying sadness that clouded it a bit.  A family rift, with my mom, that seemed unlikely to mend. We hadn’t spoken in months.  I was feeling sad and out of sorts.   Probably depressed.

I know it was a sign, a synchronicity, that led me to listen to the Summit.  The first speaker, Michelle Beltran, an intuitive coach, was fascinating and just what I needed to distract myself from my poor me attitude.    Her perspective of how we all have intuitive gifts and that we can capture a life that honors our soul was just what I needed to hear.

I continued to listen to more.  Louise Hay, Caroline Myss, Bruce Lipton, Abraham Hicks, Joe Dispenza.   It seemed that each speaker was talking directly to me.  Most of what I heard resonated and I started to feel better.  I signed on for a subscription.

I started listening every day.  In my car, on my walks, at work.  It was my therapy.  I kept taking notes.  Such good stuff, I didn’t want to forget.  It changed me.  After a few months, my perspective changed.  I realized I had been living life on autopilot. This new knowledge from brilliant authors struck a chord in me.  I guess it was a needed mid-life shake up.  Some would call it a spiritual awakening.  Happens at times of hardship, trauma or illness.  The fallout with my mom had been traumatic.  Life as I knew it before needed to change.  I needed to lighten up and have more fun. I needed to reframe some things.  Work, relationships, and most importantly, me.  I had lost something in myself over the years and I needed it back.  Spending half my life as a mom (which I love by the way) and making sure my family’s needs were met, I lost something along the way. Myself. My true self.  The self that came before I was married with children.  I desperately needed to feel inspired and excited for the second half of my life. 

“What seems to us as bitter trials are often blessings in disguise.” -Oscar Wilde

Then came the idea for this blog. I felt inspired to start something new. I’ve worked with my husband for 10 years at our business, but I needed something for myself. Just the idea to start a blog gave me a new outlook. Writing and sharing my perspective, while learning from my mentors, excited me. As an avid reader of personal growth, writing was a good fit. What I learned from Radio for the Soul changed how I felt about health and healing. I was a believer in clean eating and used food as my medicine for health issues. But I shifted a bit. I learned that feelings and emotions play a role in our physical health. Living intentionally with feelings of love and compassion can have a physical impact on ourselves and others. These ideas and concepts are exciting to explore — therapies and modalities for healing the mind. My new change in attitude hasn’t solved the issues with my mom, but I see her in a more loving light.

I always knew that I was here to help others, to be of service, to be a friend, a mentor.  Hay House Radio, started by Louise Hay, has been a great reminder for me to reset my life and focus on what I’m here to do.