Ever watch your hair circle the shower drain and feel your heart sink with it?
Most people shed seasonally, like deciduous trees in the fall – a little hair loss is just part of life’s natural cycles. But lately, my hair loss has been more dramatic, leaving me rethinking my hair-washing schedule, as if skipping shampoo will somehow keep more hair on my head.
(Should I call my hairdresser or my therapist?)
While most people might rush to buy expensive hair products, my health detective brain kicked into gear. After two decades of what I playfully call attending the “University of Lynn” – my self-directed journey through nutrition, fitness, and holistic healing (graduation date TBD, still collecting credits!) – I knew this wasn’t just about what was going down the drain.
It was about what was happening inside my body.
It started in September (a lovely month of excess). Between social events, hot days on the tennis court, and embracing my inner party girl, my body feels the side effects a month later.
My metabolism doesn’t exactly bounce back like it did 30 years ago. Wine (hello, sugar) found its way back into my routine, while fiber took a back seat, and too much computer time created the perfect storm for my liver to wave its white flag.
As Dr. Mark Hyman, Dept. Head at the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and founder of The Ultra Wellness Center, explains in his latest book, “Young Forever,” our liver isn’t just a filter – it’s the command center of our metabolic health.
He describes how our lifestyle choices can influence our genes through epigenetics – like a computer’s operating system running different programs. The foods we eat, how we move, and even how we manage stress can activate or pause these genetic programs.
When our liver gets sluggish, it’s like having too many applications running at once, slowing down the entire system.
Dr. Mindy Pelz, author of “Fast Like a Girl” and The Resetter Podcast, specializes in women’s hormone health. Her research shows how liver function directly impacts hormones, especially during menopause.
I just listened to her fascinating podcast episode “How Menopause Affects Your Metabolism and How to Fix It” with hormone expert Dr. Carrie Jones. Their discussion revealed just how much we can influence our hormonal balance through lifestyle tweaks.
When we overwhelm our liver with too much sugar, alcohol, or processed foods, it struggles to perform its hormone-balancing magic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8l6EX_Sx3Bw
The signs were clear:
- Increased hair shedding
- Disrupted sleep patterns
- Sluggish digestion
- Energy fluctuations
But here’s the good news: our bodies are incredible at self-healing.
Each healthy choice we make helps our genes work better, and the liver is especially good at bouncing back when we give it the right support.
My action plan is already in motion:
- Return to weekend-only alcohol
- Increase fiber through more vegetables
- Balance healthy fats with quality carbs
- Break up with my office chair every 30 minutes
- Add daily lymphatic massage
- Include liver-supporting foods and herbs
Here are some liver-loving foods that I’m adding back into my routine:
- Dark leafy greens (especially dandelion greens)
- Beets and their greens
- Cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Brussels sprouts
- Fresh herbs like cilantro and parsley
- Lemon water first thing in the morning
The best part about knowing your body’s signals is that you can fix small issues before they become big ones.
My goal?
I want to keep my body functioning like I’m 20 years younger – and that’s totally possible when you stay tuned in to what your body is telling you.
Your hair and skin mirror your internal health. If you’re noticing changes, think of it as your body asking for attention. Simple lifestyle tweaks can get your liver – and your health – back on track.
Don’t wait for a crisis to make changes. Listen to your body’s subtle hints now so you won’t have to hear it shout later.
Want to Learn More?
🎧 The Resetter Podcast: “How Menopause Affects Your Metabolism and How to Fix It” with Dr. Mindy Pelz and Dr. Carrie Jones A fascinating deep dive into how our hormones actually work during menopause and specific strategies to support metabolism through diet timing and liver support.
🎙️ The Doctor’s Farmacy Podcast: “The Power of Epigenetics to Transform Your Health and Lifespan“ with Dr. Mark Hyman An eye-opening exploration of how your lifestyle choices can actually change how your genes express themselves, affecting everything from aging to disease prevention. Perfect for understanding why your daily habits matter so much.
📚 “Young Forever” by Dr. Mark Hyman Discover how your daily choices influence your genes and why biological age matters more than chronological age. Dr. Hyman’s latest book reveals the science of longevity and practical steps to age in reverse.
📖 “Fast Like a Girl” by Dr. Mindy Pelz A groundbreaking guide to understanding how women’s hormones work differently and how to use fasting strategies specifically designed for female biology to optimize health and energy.
….. until next time many many sweet blessings.