Girl, stop apologizing! Rediscover your power in relationships


“Girl, stop apologizing!” I said this to myself recently. It’s the title of a great book by Rachel Hollis about living without shame or fear. This powerful mantra would have served me well in a situation that I’ve been struggling with for the past year.

A few weeks ago, I apologized again to someone I knew probably wouldn’t forgive me. I hoped that one more “sorry” might help her find forgiveness in her heart. We’ve avoided each other for a year now, and things are still tense. But I felt I needed to try one last time to make peace.

I called and texted, hoping we could be friendly with each other again, and …. crickets. No reply.

You know what, though? I’m at peace. I did what I could to make things right. She might still see me as the villain in her story, but I’ve chosen not to view her that way in mine.

 This experience made me wonder:

Why do we sometimes keep apologizing, even when it doesn’t seem to help? How does this affect our relationships and our own growth?

I’m passionate about exploring human behavior and the ways we can understand ourselves and others more deeply. At our core, we’re all energy beings, vibrating at different frequencies. This energy has its own language, one we can all learn to understand and speak fluently.

Our relationships often serve as our greatest teachers, helping us to understand and work with the ebb and flow of energy within our mind, body, spirit, and emotions.

This situation with my friend has been a powerful teacher for me.

I’ve realized that when we over-apologize, we might be preventing others from taking ownership of their part in a situation. It’s like we’re doing their emotional homework for them. We might see them as unable to handle the responsibility, thinking, “Oh, they can’t do this, so I’m going to do it for them.”

Personally, I’ve been in many situations where I waited for someone to step up and do their share of the work, only to be met with hesitation. Either they were too overwhelmed, they didn’t want to do the job, or they just said no. Being in too many of these situations can lead us to believe it’s our place to take on responsibilities for others.

Looking back on this past year, I’ve learned a lot about forgiveness – both forgiving others and forgiving myself. Sometimes, no matter how many times we apologize, forgiveness isn’t possible. And that’s okay.

As we move forward, let’s try to be aware of when we’re over-apologizing or taking on too much responsibility for others. It’s like when a child says their homework is too hard – we want to help but doing it for them won’t teach them anything.

Instead, let’s support each other in taking responsibility for our own actions and feelings.

Let’s forgive ourselves when we make mistakes. And let’s remember that while we can’t control how others respond to us, we can control how we treat ourselves and others.

  ….. until next time many many sweet blessings.

Love + Wellness to you!!

Tonight we get to see the powerful full moon in Capricorn. 

It’s a perfect time to reflect on where you might be over-apologizing or taking on too much responsibility in your life.

I invite you to gaze at the moon and ask yourself:

What unnecessary burdens am I carrying?

Where can I release the need to apologize or fix things for others?

How can I honor my own needs while still being compassionate to others?

Let the moon’s energy bring the answers to you. Don’t forget, the moon goes through phases and so do we. Let’s release old patterns and embrace new ways of being.