Use the Power of the Moon for Change


I’m an “ooh look at the moon” kinda gal and April’s full moon should be a beauty. The bright light of this month’s pink full moon will pack a punch with the sign of Scorpio.  This means some powerful intense energies will be all around us this week!  

“Scorpio is also the sign of rebirth and deep transformation, so it’s time to TRANSFORM old patterns that are holding you back.” -Andrea Dupuis, Rising Woman 

Each full moon gives us an opportunity to take notice of our emotions and what we’re giving our attention to.   We’re powerful energetic beings and depending on our level of sensitivity, this week may feel like an energetic earthquake stirring up some under the surface stuff.   

We can create our reality by our thoughts, so let’s pay close attention to what we’re listening to, watching, and/or reading this week.  LOVE MINUS FEAR EQUALS PEACE.

~Energy Tip ~

A short meditation before bed with some deep belly breaths will quiet your mind and help you recognize subtle signs from the universe (life force energy), God, Spirit, whatever you’re most comfortable with.

Feeling unworthy or not good enough is a common under-the-surface emotion that holds many of us back.  This is an old pattern that I’ve had to clear over time.   These lyrics popped into my head this morning and inspired me to write a little something about my experience with feeling a lack of freedom and power.  

Can we see clearly?  

Freedom to be ourselves. Personal power. Many of us choose to give it away.  We let it go to feel safe. We don’t feel whole, so we seek it elsewhere.  We’re unaware that we do this.  We trade it away because we’re afraid. We don’t trust ourselves; instead we trust others.  After a time, we doubt ourselves. We lose energy.  It’s subtle and silent. We don’t see it. A slow leak that takes us far away. We forget who we truly are.

Then one day, we wake up.  An illness, a loss, an event that stirs things up.  A sudden shift in energy.  It moves us to change.   We get excited.  We start to see things differently.  We’re still scared but now we’re different. We’re aware. We trust ourselves. We have faith.  We have a new view of who we can be.  Powerful and free.

We can now see clearly.