Speak Kindly to Your Genes & Believe


We’re all gifted with the power of imagination and it seems to be the key to having the life we want.

Imagination (visualization) is a simple tool we can use to give our attention to the things we want personally and professionally.

Dr. Bruce Lipton claims in his book, The Biology of Belief, that our bodies can change based on our thoughts alone. His 30+ years of research show that our subconscious beliefs directly affect our body and environment. We can influence our present and future by changing our perception (our interpretation) of our environment by altering our thoughts. It might sound a little Sci-Fi, but there’s research behind it.

We’re not controlled by our inherited genetic makeup like we’ve been led to believe. We are speaking to our genes with every thought we think.

Most people are in the camp of believing that their body will develop the same health challenges as their ancestors, but there is so much more to it than that. I’ve overheard this statement plenty over the years, “well my mom had it so I probably will too.” or “it runs in my family” or “I take after… so I’ll most likely get it too”.

We can design (vividly imagine) our life the way we want it to be. We can imagine our bodies feeling the way we want them to feel.

Give it a try!

The best time to practice visualization is when you first wake up or just before you fall asleep when your brain is in the Alpha state.




Love + Wellness 💫💫💫