Want Better Health? Spend Time With Happy People


When we talk about someone having “good vibes,” we’re referring to the high-frequency energy that seems to radiate from them.

Happy people project positive energy. It feels good to be around them.

Most of us are familiar with the physical aspects of our bodies, but we often overlook the layers of subtle energy flowing within and around us.

It’s fascinating.

Our bodies are like a symphony 🎵 of vibrating energy, an invisible web that connects our cells, organs, and tissues and links us with the vast universe.

As Nikola Tesla famously said, “If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency, and vibration.”

Energy isn’t just philosophy, it’s physics, as everything in the universe is energy that’s constantly vibrating.

Our thoughts, emotions, and physical surroundings have unique vibrations that can attract or repel other vibrations.

A tuning fork is a good illustration of how vibrations work, as two forks with the same frequency will vibrate and resonate with each other.

If we want to experience something different, we must change our vibration to match what we want.

Dr. Bruce Lipton, author of The Biology of Belief, explores the connections between science, consciousness (energy activity), and healing. He asserts that our cells are not only influenced by genetics, but also by the environment and energy we expose ourselves to.

Positive thoughts and emotions can create harmonious energy patterns and promote cellular health and vitality.

On the other hand, negative thoughts and emotions can lead to imbalances within our energy fields, potentially contributing to physical and emotional challenges.

This interacting energy field is called entanglement, Dr. Lipton explains the interaction like this: 

“Imagine dropping two rocks in the water, one at a time. They each produce waves when they hit the water. The waves interact with each other — they are not separate; all humans, animals, plants, and organisms communicate in this same way.”

We’re all familiar with the uplifting sensation we feel when in the presence of someone who brightens a room with their friendly smile, infectious laughter, and charming personality. Their energy has a positive impact on us.

However, in a negative environment, the opposite occurs. Although subtle, when someone complains, becomes angry, defensive, or irritable, it disrupts our energy and influences our well-being.

As powerful individuals, we can significantly impact the well-being of ourselves and others, simply through the energy we radiate.

It’s like magic.💫

So, let’s embrace this superpower and use it wisely, spreading good vibes and creating a world that thrives on positivity.

Thanks for reading.

Love + Wellness to you!