Earthing, for the health of it!


Has technology unearthed us?  Have we gone so far in making our lives easier and more comfortable that we’ve lost our connection to the Earth, to nature, to our bodies?

With all the advances in modern medicine and with the best technology that money can buy, most of us are suffering in one way or another.   

Research suggests that our disconnection from the Earth may be a major factor in our unwellness.

It may seem too simple to believe but, when we connect with Mother Nature by going barefoot in the park or connecting to a conductive system, we can receive substantial healing benefits. 

In as little as minutes a day, we can reduce pain, inflammation, and stress as well as many other chronic conditions by connecting to the Earth’s energy.  

We can choose simple ways to improve our health through earthing. 

Let’s take a deep dive into what earthing is, how it works, the amazing benefits, and how we can easily add it into our daily lives.  


Earthing (also known as grounding) has been a source of healing throughout history.  The basic understanding, dating back thousands of years in Chinese medicine, is that our bodies are made of life force energy, and when we plug into the Earth, like an appliance plugs into an outlet, we physically and mentally thrive. 

By plugging into the Earth, we connect with the Earth’s forces, the subtle energy of the Earth’s electrons that can keep us in sync and disease-free. 

When we spend too much time on our computers or in our heads, we become ungrounded and disconnected, it’s that feeling we label as brain fog or anxiety when life gets busy or too crazy. 

Perhaps these uncomfortable feelings are simply the result of being too far removed from an earth-centered life. 

Thanks to the curious spirit and the discovery made by Clint Ober, we can now reconnect to the earth while we sit or sleep in our homes.   

After retiring from 30+ years in the cable business, Clint accidentally discovered his groundbreaking idea by observing the similarity between his ungrounded computer to an ungrounded person. 

His computer’s static issue resulted from an “ungrounded” connection to the electrical outlet but by designing his own grounding device the static instantly disappeared.   At that moment he intuitively made the connection and wondered of the effect it could have on humans. 

Most of us wear footwear that is nonconductive, like tennis shoes with rubber soles, that disconnect us from the Earth’s surface. 

Clint used his makeshift grounding unit to connect one wire to himself and one wire that connected to a rod in the ground outdoors.  He then measured the connection with a conductivity meter and like his computer, his meter showed he was instantly grounded.  Clint reflected, “When you put two bare feet on the earth, then your body is going to absorb enough electrons from the earth until you equalize.”

Reconnecting with the Earth’s electrons has a balancing and therapeutic effect on the physical body.  He continued testing on himself and friends and discovered relief from insomnia and pain.  Clint Ober then supported over 20 research studies, published a book titled “Earthing”, and has continued to promote the health benefits of earthing for over two decades.


“The minute you disconnect from the Earth, you become ungrounded.  It’s like you’re turning off the light.  You can do other great things, juicing, exercise, take amazing supplements, but you’re still ungrounded.”

Everything in the body is conductive; your blood, organs, cells, bones, and muscles are all conductive and it requires electric conductivity to function.

When our body docks (connects) to the Earth, we receive the immediate benefits of healing, like turning on a light switch and the harmonizing frequencies of the Earth help to reset our internal clock. 

The Earth’s electrons positively influence the human body’s energetic system to calm the nervous system and reduce inflammation.

Inflammation is the underlying cause of almost every modern disease including arthritis, cancer, autoimmune, and digestive disorders.  

When you’re in contact with the Earth and Mother Earth is endowed with electrons and these electrons literally absorb through your feet.  It’s like taking a handful of antioxidants but you’re getting it through the feet. “, Stephen Sinatra, M.D., Cardiologist/Integrated Medicine Specialist. 

Research suggests that transferring free electrons that Earthing provides results in quick physiological changes and restores the body to its natural internal electrical state. 

Clint Ober’s book Earthing outlines many studies and treatments for minor to major illnesses.  There are documentaries online that present testimonials of patients healed with grounding.

The clip below from the “Down to Earth” documentary highlights the discovery made by Dr. Laura Koniver while trying to comfort her newborn baby.  Her daughter suffered from colic and the only time she would be calm was when she was outside.  The minute Dr. Koniver went indoors, her daughter would feel discomfort and cry.  She accidentally discovered that when she was grounded, her daughter was grounded.  

Sleep and Chronic Pain

According to Science Daily, approximately 25% of Americans experience acute insomnia each year and the direct and indirect costs are significant, so the results suggest that grounding has much to offer those who suffer.

In a blinded pilot study, the 60 subjects who suffered from sleep disturbances and muscle and joint pain were randomly divided in half for a month-long study. Both groups received a conductive carbon fiber mattress pad but only half the subjects connected to the Earth.  

Most grounded subjects saw improvement in their sleep while the other half who weren’t connected did not.  It seems the most significant improvement was the quality of sleep with the control group seeing an 85% improvement. 

It’s also impressive that all control group participants woke up to feel rested.  Since grounding improves sleep it’s a given it will improve other health issues that result from a lack of sleep. 

Stress Reduction

For general stress, anxiety, PTSD, or even panic disorders, Earthing provides the most important thing your body needs, safety.  

The effect of stress on our bodies is immense, muscles tense, heart rate increases, digestion shuts down, and the body becomes inflamed.  All these reactions to stress can be addressed when you ground. 

The body links into the electromagnetic field of the Earth and its healing frequency.  As Dr. Laura Koniver explains, “Grounding is like connecting to the soothing heartbeat of the Earth, the body reverses out of fight or flight and quickly goes into rest and digest.”

Serotonin levels become normalized, and cortisol, the “fight or flight” stress hormone decreases in the brain. Muscle tension drops and blood flows from a constricted state to a flow state and the body feels safe. 

Osteoporosis Improvement

Chronic inflammatory conditions like arthritis can be debilitating and osteoarthritis is a leading cause for joint replacements. 

A father and son study conducted on the medical staff of a military clinic found significant changes in the concentration levels of minerals and electrolytes in the blood serum.  These minerals are essential for maintaining bone health and improving arthritis and its symptoms. 

The results suggest that even after a single night of Earthing, the primary indicators of osteoporosis reduce.  

Inflammation Reduction

Research has revealed that grounding positively influences many of the body functions involved in the inflammatory response. 

We can reasonably say that Earthing is nature’s anti-inflammatory medicine, and it may prevent and treat chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases.   

An interesting study used thermal imaging cameras to measure the reduction of inflammation by showing the change in skin temperature that indicated painful areas. 

Images were taken of a patient with a long history of chronic right knee pain who couldn’t stand for long periods or carry out simple actions without pain.

Thermal images were taken before and after the patient grounded with an electrode patch.  After 30 minutes, she reported a mild reduction in pain.  After 6 days, she reported a 50% reduction in pain and could stand for long periods with no pain.  After 4 weeks, she felt good enough to play soccer for the first time in 15 years.  


Walking barefoot

One of the simplest ways to ground is walking barefoot on the Earth’s surfaces, grass, sand, dirt, concrete, brick, but it must be a conductive surface. 

Earthing footwear, like leather, can also protect the feet. 

To make the experience even more beneficial, dampen the soil or grass for added conductivity. 

Tree hugging 

Trees are made of an insulating substance, like dry bark, and are not likely grounded.  But, if the soil under the tree is moist, you may be grounded by touching the tree. 

Trees and plants are living organisms so if you touch the green leaf of a tree or plant, you are grounded. 


Water is powerful, it enhances conductivity.  Just touching the top of the water in the ocean, lake, stream, you are instantly grounded. 

Any body of water will ground you to the Earth.  The metal sink or tub faucet in your home is grounded so when the water flows continuously from the faucet, the water will ground you.  

So, skip the dishwasher, get your hands wet, and ground! 

Grounding equipment

Since many of us don’t have the time or easy access to ground ourselves outside, a more convenient method is to use conductive equipment inside the home and/at the office.  While there are many types of Earthing products available, all conductive equipment connects through a cord either inserted into the ground or a grounded electrical wall outlet. 

Earthing can be easily added while you sit at your desk, on the couch, or in bed while you sleep. It can be done for a few minutes or hours per day.

Conductive equipment available to add to your daily routine:


As it turns out, this powerful tool to heal our bodies has been right under our feet all along.  Earth’s harmonizing frequencies are available to reset our internal clock at any time of the day.  

Technology and modern medicine have greatly improved our lives but let’s not forget to stay connected to the Earth to keep our bodies in balance. 

Simple actions we can take in nature or in the comfort of our living room will make strides to reduce our stress and prevent chronic illness. 

The research has been done, grounding works.  Grounding gets us in sync with the soothing heartbeat of the Earth to give us a better night’s sleep and reduce our pain and suffering. 

Let’s get serious, get back to basics, and rebuild our foundation from the ground up.