Letting Go of Judgement. It’s a Lovely View.


We're often afraid of looking at our shadow because we want to avoid the shame or embarrassment that comes along with admitting mistakes.

The shadow is the unknown side of our personality. In Jungian psychology, it’s an aspect of the personality that the conscious ego can’t see.

It’s why we habitually protect our self-image from anything unflattering or unfamiliar. It’s far more comfortable and feels safe to avoid and judge others’ shadow than to discover the hidden parts of ourselves.

When life becomes overwhelming, there’s a tendency to react swiftly to see others’ imperfections and act as judge and jury. But maybe our own mistakes, embarrassments, and shortcomings are what moves us to project our shadow on others.

But if we take notice when judgment shows up, we can learn what’s going on under the surface.

It’s a personal invite to uncover hidden parts of ourselves that feel unsafe and just need love and understanding.  Discovery moves you farther away from reactivity and closer to peace and calm in your life.

Each day brings an opportunity to stop measuring or comparing to others but rather understand. We can’t know what ​its like to walk in another person’s shoes; there’s always something we don’t know. But it’s possible to understand even if our life circumstances are much different. There is goodness in everyone. We’re able to see it in our children regardless of the mistakes or choices they make. We know they’re inherently good.

Life is a mirror of self.  It’s the judgment of self that clouds our perception as we mistakenly pass it on to others.  Perhaps the good we can’t see in others is just a reflection of the good we can’t see in ourselves.

Examining and accepting our insecurities can be difficult. Vulnerability can be a scary place to reside. It takes great courage to face our fears, but it also brings clarity, compassion, and freedom. We become free to be our authentic selves and to see the best in others.   Our view of the world becomes expansive, like moving from the first floor to the penthouse.

Love and compassion for each other.  It’s a lovely view.