Can a Simple 15 Minute Food Fix Save Our Health?


Got 15 minutes?  How about a 15-minute “Food Fix”?  A simple daily health hack to be your best self.  How about starting up your “green machine” to disease-proof your life.  

Life can be unpredictable, but adding in some “green goodness” to our daily drink can provide our bodies with all the necessary nutrients for healing and thriving. 

It’s becoming more evident that we must take control of our health. We have more power to heal ourselves than we’ve been led to believe. Science is now revealing that we’re not victims of our genetics. Our thoughts, beliefs, and lifestyle choices are what mostly influence our health. It’s a difficult concept for many to believe, but our bodies have the extraordinary power to heal within.

A daily green smoothie is a simple strategy to improve health.  We often dismiss simple changes because we believe they won’t work, but by following James Clear’s 4 step habit process; make it obvious, make it attractive, make it easy, and make it satisfying, this new strategy can work.  So, stock up the fridge, set the alarm, set up the Vitamix or the Ninja, and get started!

Each of my three favorite health experts promotes the value of the green smoothie philosophy.  Their books (each one worthy of a future blog post) helped me transform my health in different ways.  Ten years ago, I found a simple cure for my digestive blues with the “Glowing Green Smoothie” from Kimberly Snyder’s book “Beauty Detox Solution.   I suffered poor digestion for years so once I started feeling better, my green smoothie became my new best friend.  There were also other side effects, like better mental clarity and awareness, that I hadn’t expected.  All these positive physical and mental changes catapulted me to a new world of health and wellness. 


The body gets run down over time from unhealthy food choices, alcohol, caffeine, drugs, stress, and environmental toxins that are a part of modern day life.  Vital organs come under pressure and begin to work inefficiently, causing illness and disease.  Eating plenty of veggies—especially green leafy vegetables—helps to naturally detoxify the body.


The body responds to an unhealthy diet by triggering inflammation.  Early signs and symptoms may be vague but if inflammation goes undetected for a long period of time it can lead to disruptive health issues.  When we increase our greens, we provide our bodies with anti-inflammatory properties and reduce our risk of developing chronic illness.  


The health of the digestive tract is linked with just about every other function in the body—including brain health. Green smoothies packed with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, fiber, and high quality amino acids work synergistically to prevent and repair damage in the gut and the entire body.  

Kimberly, a certified “celeb” nutritionist promotes a plant-based diet for optimal digestion that results in clear skin, renewed energy, and weight loss.  “In one delicious drink, we get the fuel to not only lose weight, but rejuvenate our skin, fight aging, and increase our energy. It’s so simple. “ 

In his first book,  Medical Medium, The Secret Behind Chronic Disease and Mystery Illnesses, Anthony Williams explains the effect heavy metals have on our bodies.  “We are all exposed to toxic heavy metals today.  Many people also come into this world with metals such as mercury they inherited through their family line. These metals can cause or contribute to countless health symptoms and conditions.  Enjoying this delicious smoothie daily helps to safely and effectively remove heavy metals out of your brain and body. ” 

Dr. Brooke Goldner is a board certified physician and founder of  She’s the creator of the Hyper-nourishing Nutrition Protocol for Lupus Reversal as well as other best selling books.  Before Dr. Goldner became a doctor, she was a patient diagnosed with Lupus at age 16.  She endured years of chemotherapy and steroids until she adopted a plant-based diet 15 years ago and within 3 months her Lupus was gone.  She has helped thousands of people reverse lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, diabetes, heart disease…all by getting them to stop eating meat, eggs and focus on high nutrient plant foods. 

Dr. Goldner provides a free class with live Q&A on her website several times a year“Steps to Reversing Autoimmune Disease with Supermarket Foods.

A simple 15 minute food fix is a small action that will reap big rewards.  Join me in imagining what our world would look like if everyone chose to start their day with a nutrient-rich, energy packed  green drink.   

Cheers to healing and thriving.   Happy Blending!