Why I signed up for the “Last 90 Day Challenge” Again!


Many of you who read my blog post, “Daily Rituals – The Answer To A Peaceful Day?” learned that I’m a fan of daily habits.  Life can be unpredictable and often feel out of balance so having consistent daily habits makes it easier to maintain harmony and live our best life.

I’m a fan of Rachael Hollis and her movement “The Last 90 Day Challenge”.  Rachel’s pitch, “21 days to create a habit, 90 days to change your life.  What if you committed to living your last 90 days of the year as hard as you are committing to living the first 30 days of the new year? What if instead of a downhill slide into 2019, you are ramping up!”

The idea of the challenge is to have consistent daily habits in place during a busy time of the year when we tend to let our healthy habits slide a bit.

When I signed up for the challenge last year, I never imagined the impact it would have on my day.  It was difficult at first, waking up an hour earlier than anyone else to focus solely on myself and my goals.  I had to set my phone in the other room to force myself out of bed, but I did it.  I began journaling, meditating, and giving myself that extra time I had been craving.  I loved it!  There was less rushing.  I felt centered and grounded and the feeling stayed all day.  

Since I love the idea of finishing this year strong and moving into the new year feeling fabulous, I signed up again!  

October through December can be a whirlwind of holidays, parties, and activities that begin right after Halloween and continue to gain momentum through the end of the year.  During the holiday season, we often experience too much of a good thing.  Too many activities, even if they are fun, can leave us feeling drained.  The last 90-day challenge motivates us to power through with our healthy habits to  ends our year on an upswing.

So, let’s get started!

You can sign up at the Chic Site for details, receive video tips and a weekly inspirational email.

I created a printable worksheet you can use for the challenge.  To receive a copy, enter your email in the form below.

Simple daily actions add up over time and help build the life that we love. 

I hope you join me in this challenge and share your comments below or follow me on Instagram where I’ll be posting weekly updates to my  stories.  Click to follow!  Good Luck!!

love & good vibes 💫
