Embrace the Chaos: Why Life’s Messiness Might Be Its Greatest Gift


Find the meaning in the puzzle pieces in your life.

Life can get messy.

Every day, most of us face countless opportunities to feel overwhelmed. Deadlines, responsibilities, and unexpected challenges can make our heads spin.

But what if this is how life is meant to be?

What if this messiness is the natural state of life, and when things are orderly and calm, it’s just extra icing on the cake?

Many experience panic and fear on most days, and it’s common to possess a band-aid mindset; encounter a problem, fix it, and then move on to the next issue. Only once it’s resolved can we be happy and free.

However, what if life’s problems, pain, and challenges are the best parts of life? What if we’re meant to experience joy even amidst discomfort?

Like in sports, the focus is not solely on winning or playing well but also on testing our skills and instincts throughout the game. Win or lose; we can still find bliss and enjoyment in the play, despite its challenging nature.

What if we treated our life as a game, embracing the pain and challenges as pivotal parts of the experience?

Accepting each difficult moment as an opportunity to discover what we’re made of and how much we can push ourselves in that instant.

We have the power to choose how we play the game of life. We can make it easy and fun, just like playing the classic board game Clue that many of us loved as kids.

Instead of allowing ourselves to get bogged down by all the daily details, we can see it all as energy, information, or data coming our way. We can observe the clues from the universe and figure out what it all means.

In Clue, the characters and symbols reveal hidden meanings, much like the complex relationships we experience in real life. Just as Professor Plum in the study with the wrench helps solve the mystery in the game, our own relationship dramas can offer valuable insights.

Each interaction serves as a clue, revealing truths about ourselves and others. By understanding the dynamics and motivations at play, we can address conflicts and build healthier relationships.

By embracing life’s messiness, we can shift our perspective. Rather than feeling like life is happening to us, we begin to understand that it is happening for us.

Each uncomfortable moment, each challenge, is an opportunity for self-discovery. We can listen to our bodies, pay attention to subtle signs, and embrace those uncomfortable moments. They are all hints, pointing us in the direction of our highest good.

Life can be an adventure of self-discovery so let’s allow ourselves to play with curiosity and enthusiasm.

It’s not just about reaching the destination; it’s about enjoying the game and finding meaning in every twist and turn.

Thanks for reading!

Love + Wellness to you!